Lesson 2 : Data Types and Operators

Exercise : Here is Python Code related to Operators and Variables

# ---------------- OPERATORS ---------------- 

n1 = 200

n2 = 20

print("Arithmetic Operators ")

print(n1, n2, n1 + n2, n1 - n2)

print(n1 * n2)

print(n1 / n2)

print("Floating Point or Fractional numbers " )

print(n2 / n1)

print("Modulus i.e. remainder of dividing two numbers : ")

print(5 % 2)   # Simple example

print(n2 % n1)  # Mod

# Find whether a number is even or not 

n3 = int(input(" Enter a number "))

if(n3 % 2 == 0):

    print("Input number is an Even number")


    print("Input number is an Odd number")

# ----------- MORE OPERATORS -----------------     

# ----------- '//' Floor division - division that results into whole number adjusted to the left in the number line 

# or Closest whole number multiple 

boxes = 100

apples = 26 # Assume even distribution in all boxes

print (" Can I pack all apples assuming even distribution per box ? ")

if (boxes % apples == 0):




print (" How many apples can I pack per box ? ")

print(boxes // apples)  # Closet whole number Multiple

+, -, *, /, %, ** (raised to), // 

q = 459

p = 0.098

print(q, p, p * q) 

#---------- COMPLEX NUMBERS ------------

a = 20 + 10j

a.real # Returns the real component

a.img # Returns the Imaginary component

b = 20 - 10j

c = a*b (which is a^2 + b^2)

# ----------- VARIABLES-----------------

# Variables seen before 

x,y,z = 10, 20, 30 

print(x, y, z)

x, y = y, x

print(x, y)

# Variable Names

15APPLES = 15

APPLES15 = 10

apples15 = 20

print(" Variables %d %d "% (APPLES15, apples15))

apples15_new = apples15 * 3

print(" Variables %d %d "% (APPLES15, apples15_new))

dollar$100 = 100

print(" Variables %d "% dollar$100)

print( "Two variables can refer to same data ? ")

flower = 'rose'; red_flower = flower; 

print(" Flower : %s"% flower)

print(" Red Rose : %s" red_flower)

flower = 'rose and violet'; 

red_flower = flower; 

print(" Red Rose Changed : %s %s"% (red_flower, flower))

mark = 100

print("Mark ? %d"% mark)

mark = mark + 10

print("Mark + 10 ? %d"% mark)

# ----------- TYPE CASTING-----------------

print("Integer converted to String %s" % mark[0])

markStr = str(mark)

print("Integer converted to String %s" % markStr[0])


int("100") + 11    


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